英:['mɪlɪdʒ] 美: ['mɪlɪdʒ]
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millage 相关例句
STRESS TOLERANT PLANTS AND METHOD FOR THEIR PRODUCTIONAn exploratory study of the influences on and content of communication between retirement housing providers and retirees who are the...A review of inhalability fraction models: discussion and recommendations.Waves of Knowledge Management: The Flow between Explicit and Tacit KnowledgeThe cost and safety of multidose use of palivizumab vialsThe interaction of leadership and personality among Chinese and American nascent entrepreneursERM is still in its infancyERM still in its infancyGPU Integration into a Software Defined Radio FrameworkSecondary organic aerosol formation during evaporation of droplets containing atmospheric aldehydes, amines, and ammonium sulfate