英:['mɪlɪməʊ] 美: ['mɪləmoʊ]
millimho 基本解释
millimho 相关例句
ULTRAFINE POROUS POLYMER ARTICLE AND METHOD OF MAKINGEffects of visual, tactile, and olfactory modalities on the threshold and magnitude of the acoustic reflexA high power MOSFET with a vertical drain electrode and a meshed gate structurePRECIPITIN SERA IN FORENSIC PROBLEMSA New Slimhole Multiple Propagation Resistivity ToolThe soluble proteins of rat seminal vesicle fluid. Some physico-chemical and immunological propertiesOxalate and Mineral Contents of Halogeton GlomeratusInfluence du niveau d'irradiance d'appoint (HPS) en pepiniere sur la croissance et la productivite d'une culture de tomate de serre.A fully implanted V-groove power MOSFETTuner for Complete UHF-TV Coverage without Moving Contacts