英:['mɪmɪkəl] 美: ['mɪmɪkəl]
mimical 基本解释
mimical 相关例句
MIMICAL ECTROPION OF UPPER LIDSMimical ectropion of eyelids mono and bilateralMIMICAL ECTROPION OR ENTROPION OF EYELIDS. MONO‐ AND BILATERALMedical Rhinoplasty – The Treatment of Mimical PatientsComparative analysis of mimical and autonomic components of man's emotional state.Detect antibody of enolase using mimical antigen for diagnosis of invasive CandadiasisSubcellular mimical localization of the ATP synthase B subunit from Clonorchis sinensis under different conditions of cell cycling.Advances in differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into corneal endothelial cells under the mimical microenvironmentAn essay on acting: in which will be consider'd the mimical behaviour of a certain fashionable faulty actor, ... To which will be ad...Expressions of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor on the Brain and Myocardial Tissues of Mice in Mimical High-altitude Hypoxic Envir...