Mnium 相关例句
Mnium laevinerve平肋提灯藓
Woodsy Mnium森林提灯藓
Mnium thomsonii偏叶提灯藓
Mnium undulatum波叶提灯藓
Mnium lycopodioides长尖提灯藓
Mnium spinosum刺叶提灯藓
Mnium Hedw提灯藓属
Mnium longirostre长咀提灯藓
Mnium heterophyllum异叶提灯藓
Highly Unsaturated Lipids of Mnium, Polytrichum, Marchantia, and MatteucciaAsexual reproduction by leaf fragmentation in Mnium stellare Hedw.cytological distinction between male and female Mnium undulatum HedwMnium orientale sp. nov. from Japan Is Morphologically and Genetically Distinct from M. hornum in Europe and North AmericaBiflavonoids and 4,2'-epoxy-3-phenylcoumarins from the moss Mnium hornumSex-ratio differences in Mnium hornum Hedw. and M. undulatum Sw. in relation to spore germination and vegetative regenerationComparative ecology of a lowland and subalpine species of Mnium in the northern Rocky MountainsControls on the Distribution of Mnium arizonicum along an Elevation Gradient in the Front Ranges of the Rocky Mountains, AlbertaOccurrence of antibiotic activity in Conocephalum conicum, Mnium undulatum and Leptodictyum riparium (Bryophytes)Über die gegensätzliche Wirkung der Spurenelemente Zink und Bor auf die Blattzellen von Mnium rostratum