mojarra 相关例句
Longfin mojarra长臂钻嘴鱼
lucid mojarra短棘银鲈
japanese mojarra日本十棘银鲈
spotfin mojarra斑鳍大口银鲈
Deep-bodied mojarra短钻嘴鱼
Mutations in the tight-junction gene claudin 19 (CLDN19) are associated with renal magnesium wasting, renal failure, and severe ocul...Glucuronidation of amines and other xenobiotics catalyzed by expressed human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A3N - and O -acetylation of aromatic and heterocyclic amine carcinogens by human monomorphic and polymorphic acetyltransferases expres...Soft actuators and artificial musclesDifferential glucuronidation of bile acids, androgens and estrogens by human UGT1A3 and 2B7N- and 0-acetylation of aromatic and heterocyclic amine carcinogens by human monomorphic and polymorphic acetyltransferases expresse...Switch array and power management system for batteries and other energy storage elementsIonic polymer sensors and actuatorsBiomimetic robotic propulsion using polymeric artificial musclescDNA cloning and characterization of the human UDP glucuronosyltransferase, UGT1A3.