monterey 相关例句
monterey park蒙特瑞公园市
用作名词(n.)- One of the most famous aquariums is in Monterey, California.
Multi-AUV Control and Adaptive Sampling in Monterey BayMulti-AUV control and adaptive sampling in Monterey BaySediment waves on the monterey fan levee: A preliminary physical interpretationKerogen/asphaltene/sulfur relationships in sulfur-rich Monterey oilsBifurcated flow from an upwelling center: a cold water source for Monterey BayRemotely sensed surface currents in Monterey Bay from shore‐based HF radar (Coastal Ocean Dynamics Application Radar)Upwelling shadows as nearshore retention sites: the example of northern Monterey BayMeasuring the vertical distributional variability of pelagic fauna in Monterey Bay | ICES Journal of Marine Science | Oxford AcademicQuantitative distribution of presumptive archaeal and bacterial nitrifiers in Monterey Bay and the North Pacific Subtropical GyreRare earth, major, and trace elements in chert from the Franciscan complex and Monterey group, California: Assessing REE sources to ...