mulcts 相关例句
- John was mulcted in£500 by the court.
Comfort in affliction, or, Advice to Protestant dissenters in times of persecution together with remarks on the just judgments of Go...Induction of Ca 2+ /calmodulin-dependent NO synthase in various organs of rats by Propionibacterium acnes and lipopolysaccharide tr...HODOOD AND TAAZIRAT EXTENT, KINDS AND COMMANDSCivil Prudence, Sovereignty and Citizenship in the Justification of Civil ForfeitureOut of the Mouths of Babes...Voices of the At-Risk Students.Silver Jubilee Souvenir of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, 1929-1954.C'mtmunu uteri hv D~mi~'g P P,rp,ru. J~nm~ It. I~1 Ig~rcivt'd fo~ reuit,~. Nouemher 8.Nucleotide sequence and characterization of temperature-sensitive poll mutants o[ SaccAaromyces cerevisiae ~ . "The Persecution of Staffordshire Roman Catholic Recusants: 1625–1660Secret Remedies