NAND 相关例句
nand flash快闪记忆体;资料储存型闪存
nand gate[电]与非门
Implanted multi-bit NAND ROMImproving NAND Flash Based Disk CachesA 3.3 V 32 Mb NAND flash memory with incremental step pulse programming schemeA 3.3 V 32 Mb NAND flash memory with incremental step pulse programming schemeFlashDB: dynamic self-tuning database for NAND flashA 3.3 V 128 Mb multi-level NAND flash memory for mass storage applicationsA superblock-based flash translation layer for NAND flash memoryEffects of floating-gate interference on NAND flash memory cell operationMarine Ecoregions of the World:\nA Bioregionalization of Coastal\nand Shelf AreasVertical cell array using TCAT(Terabit Cell Array Transistor) technology for ultra high density NAND flash memory