Nazarite 基本解释
Nazarite 相关例句
A Nazarite Baby (John the Baptist) and Jesus' BirthSamson: The Only Nazarite in the Hebrew Bible and His Women!Nazarite review of the Pastoral address of the Genesee Conference of the M. E. ChurchNazarite Song, Dance, and Dreams: The Sacralization of Time, Space, and the Female Body in South AfricaA Journey to the Roots of Rastafari: The Essene Nazarite LinkConflict and Diplomacy in the birth of the Nazarite Emirate of Granada"Written"into the Book of Life: Nazarite Women's Performance Inscribed as Spiritual Text in "Ibandla lamaNazaretha"Rituals of Fertility and the Sacrifice of Desire: Nazarite Women's Performance in South Africa by Carol Ann MullerBook Review Rituals of Fertility and the Sacrifice of Desire: Nazarite Women's Performance in South Africa By Carol Ann Muller (1999)Muller Carol Ann . Rituals of Fertility and the Sacrifice of Desire: Nazarite Women's Performance in South Africa. Chicago: Univer...