NBC 相关例句
- Everyone presumes that NBC has Dana Carvey waiting in the wings if Letterman bolts. But, says an NBC executive, "that's a long way from a lock."For openers, Carvey is balking.
Security system for NBC-safe buildingNBC: the Naïve Bayes Classification tool webserver for taxonomic classification of metagenomic readsNightly@nbc.com: Audience Scope and the Perception of Interactivity in Viewer Mail on the InternetStrain-induced precipitation of NbC in Nb and Nb–Ti microalloyed HSLA steelsPartial dislocations associated with NbC precipitation in austenitic stainless steelsAn Early Frost November 1985: NBC airs the first TV movie about a gay man with AIDS, a film written by Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman...Potassium deprivation upregulates expression of renal basolateral Na+-HCO3鈭抍otransporter (NBC-1)Potassium deprivation upregulates expression of renal basolateral Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC-1)Remarkable improvement of shape memory effect in Fe-Mn-Si based shape memory alloys by producing NbC precipitatesDeciding What's News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Time. By Herbert J. Gans. (New York: Pantheon Boo...