英:[nju:'mætɪk] 美: [nju'mætɪk]
neumatic 相关例句
Neue chiral neumatische Polyester New chiral neumatic polyesterGRADED P NEUMATIC DILATATION WI THOUT FLUOROSCOPY IN THE T REATMENT OF ESOPHAGEAL ACHALASIAAnalysis of time-fractional hunter-saxton equation: a model of neumatic liquid crystalSEGMENTATION OF ANCIENT NEUMATIC MUSICAL NOTATIONMusical Information Retrieval for Delta and Neumatic Systemsneumatic Rubber Tube Actuator for Assisting Colonoscope Insertion - Applying Positive and Negative Pressure -Neumatic conveying mechanismAccurate predictive model for twisted neumatic ...The conducting of Gregorian chant : a study of chironomy as applied to the semiology of neumatic notation, with performance editions...One nearspace hypersonic aircraft dynamic surface adative backstepping control design based on nonlinear neumatic/ thrust vectoring ...