Neurons 相关例句
- Gliosis around motor neurons was seen.
神经元周围胶质细胞增生。 - Additionally, neurons can modulate the activities of glia.
Ischemic cell death in brain neuronsFrom Neurons to Neighborhoods: the Science of Early Childhood Development.Neurons with graded response have collective computational properties like those of two-state neuronsNeurons with graded response have collective computational properties like those of two-state neurons.Brain Development: From neurons to neighborhoods: The science of early childhood developmentGeneration of neurons and astrocytes from isolated cells of the adult mammalian central nervous system.Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia: loss of neurons in the basal forebrainGlycine potentiates the NMDA response in cultured mouse brain neuronsSynaptic Modifications in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons: Dependence on Spike Timing, Synaptic Strength, and Postsynaptic Cell TypeThe effect of binge fetal alcohol exposure on the number of vasoactive intestinal peptide-producing neurons in fetal sheep brain.