no financial compensation
英:[noʊ faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l ˌkɑmpənˈseʃən]
no financial compensation 基本解释
no financial compensation 相关例句
What influences oocyte donation when there is no financial compensation?
Research needed for mesothelioma. Financial compensation after death is no panacea.
Discussions in Europe on Variable Compensation in the Financial Sector. EU Centre Singapore Working Paper no. 20, February 2014
The New Zealand no-fault accident compensation scheme: The financial viability of the NZ model
A no fault approach to recouping executive compensation improved financial performance justifies compensation, but what happens afte...
Brazil: State Law No. 15.833/2015: Financial Compensation and Government Take Resulting from Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas
Financial compensation is no substitute for a career.
Executive Compensation Considerations for Financial Institutions, Benefits Law Journal Vol. 8, No. 1
Research Paper No. 1675 Non-financial performance measures and CEO compensation: An analysis of web traffic
Press Release No. 9 2005 Council of Financial Regulators Financial Claims Compensation Scheme