英:[ˌnʌnðəˈles] 美: [ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs]
nonetheless 基本解释
adv.(副词)仍然,然而,不过 in spite of that
adv.despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)同义词:howeverneverthelesswithalstillyetall the sameeven sonotwithstanding
nonetheless 相关例句
用作副词(adv.)- Though he's fool, I like him nonetheless.
虽然他很笨, 我仍然喜欢他。 - Nonetheless, the science is pushing forward at a rapid pace.
尽管如此,研究正在迅速向前推进。 - There are possible risks, but nonetheless, we feel it's a sound investment.
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