nonruminant 相关例句
Therefore,whenfoodis in short supply,aruminantcanlast longerthananonruminantbecauseitcanderivemoreenergyoutofthesamefood.
Paratuberculosis infection of nonruminant wildlife in Scotland.Gluconeogenesis in tissue from ruminant and nonruminant animalsBiological Effects of Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Nonruminant MammalsGluconeogenesis and lipogenesis in tissue from ruminant and nonruminant animals.A Nutritional Explanation for Body-Size Patterns of Ruminant and Nonruminant HerbivoresEffect of short-chain fatty acids on plasma insulin in ruminant and nonruminant species.Opportunities and challenges in using exogenous enzymes to improve nonruminant animal productionProductivity growth and convergence in crop, ruminant, and nonruminant production: measurement and forecastsBOARD-INVITED REVIEW: Opportunities and challenges in using exogenous enzymes to improve nonruminant animal productionDigestion and absorption of carbohydrates and nitrogenous matters in the hindgut of the omnivorous nonruminant animal