英:['i:dɪpl] 美: ['idɪpl]
Oedipal 相关例句
Oedipal dynamics in panic disorder.Oedipal love in the countertransference.The oedipal experience: Effects on development of an absent father.The one-parent child and his oedipal development.Leadership and management: Oedipal struggles in voluntary organizationsOedipus Rex at Enron: Leadership, Oedipal struggles, and organizational collapseFalling in Love with Love Oedipal and Postoedipal Manifestations of Idealization, Mourning, and Erotic MasochismParental characteristics and partner choice: some evidence for oedipal imprintingThe origin of certain forms of pre-oedipal guilt and the implications for a psychoanalytic theory of affects.Simple research paradigm for demonstrating subliminal psychodynamic activation: effects of oedipal stimuli on dart-throwing accuracy...