off limits 相关例句
- This bar is off limits to all soldiers.
OFF-LIMITSOff limitsOFF LIMITSOff Limits (anthology)Megyn Kelly Previews Duggar Family Interview: "Nothing Is Off Limits"Don't look here: Off-limits words bias play in the ESP gameCritical evaluation of energy intake data using fundamental principles of energy physiology: 1. Derivation of cut-off limits to iden...The cut-off limits of the GH response to GH-releasing hormone-arginine test related to body mass index.Comparison of different DIAGNOdent cut-off limits for in vivo detection of occlusal cariesCut-off limits of the GH response to GHRH plus arginine test and IGF-I levels for the diagnosis of GH deficiency in late adolescents...Halloween Off-Limits for Sexual Offenders; St. Johns County Forbids Them from Taking Part in Events to Attract ChildrenOff-label, off-limits? Parental awareness and attitudes towards off-label use in paediatricsStill Off‐Limits? Staff Views on Supporting Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People with Intellectual Disabilities to Develop Sexual and I...