Olor 相关例句
C OLOR 颜色 ; 米棕成主流 ; 色彩
olor saturation色饱和度
olor Gamut色阶
Lacrymaria olor天鹅长吻虫
olor Triangle颜色三角
Yc olor图形对象属性
olor Temperature色温
olor Wonden癫氏盗蠧
olor charts地图色标
Theyolor=# cc0066>kept up a good head ofsteam.
Theolor=# cc0066>essenceofhisargumentis thatcapitalismcannotsucceed.
AwhiteNorth Americanswan(Olorcolumbianus)having asoft, musical trumpetingvoice and a blackbeakwithayellowspotat the base.
An outbreak of copper poisoning in Mute swans (Cygnus olor).Detection of a novel circovirus in mute swans ( Cygnus olor ) by using nested broad-spectrum PCRMacrophages, a normal component in seasonally involuting testes of the swan, Cygnus olorDensity‐dependent decline of breeding success in an introduced, increasing mute swan Cygus olor populationD ETEC T ION OF AP C MUTAT IONS IN FEC A L D NA FROM PATIENTS WITH C OLOR EC TA L TUMORS DETECTION OF APC MUTATIONS IN FECAL DNA FRO...Body temperature, metabolic rate, and insulation in winter and summer acclimatized mute swans ( Cygnus olor )The epidemiology of the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) and other Anatidae in the Dombes region (F...Pathology of natural infections by H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in mute (Cygnus olor) and whooper (Cygnus cygnus) sw...Regional and seasonal variations in lead poisoning in the mute swan Cygnus olor in relation to the distribution of lead and lead we...Free and Bound Volatile Composition and Characterization of Some Glucoconjugates as Aroma Precursors in Melón de Olor Fruit Pulp (S...