英:['ɒzməʊs] 美: ['ɒzmoʊs]
osmose 基本解释
osmose 相关例句
Theorie der Osmose und NarkoseOSMOSE: Notes on being in Immersive virtual spaceOSMOSE: automatic structural testing of executablesOsmose: towards broadening the aesthetics of virtual realityLe dessalement des eaux par osmose inverse: l'expérience de Véolia WaterPurification de glucides par ultrafiltration, osmose inverse et nanofiltrationDestina??o de águas residuárias provenientes do processo de dessaliniza??o por osmose reversaAn end-to-end coupled model ROMS-N2P2Z2D2-OSMOSE of the southern Benguela foodweb: parameterisation, calibration and pattern-oriente...Changes in food web structure under scenarios of overfishing in the southern Benguela: Comparison of the Ecosim and OSMOSE modelling...Activated alleles of yeast SLN1 increase Mcm1-dependent reporter gene expression and diminish signaling through the Hog1 osmosensing...