outspokenness 相关例句
MrSon’soutspokenness is as rareinJapan as his enterprisingspirit.
Shehad just given him the newsthatin retaliationforhisownoutspokennessagainsthiscountry'sregime,hismotherhad beenseizedandexecuted.
Rituals of outspokenness and verbal conflictPolitical Outspokenness: Factors Working against the Spiral of SilenceThe Effects of Social Presence on OutspokennessThe spiral of silence and journalists' outspokenness on TwitterChick-fil-A Under Fire: The Perils of Corporate OutspokennessMASS MEDIA AND POLITICAL OUTSPOKENNESS IN HONG KONG: LINKING THE THIRD-PERSON EFFECT AND THE SPIRAL OF SILENCEPublic opinion and political outspokenness in pre‐1997 Hong Kong: Two tests of the spiral of silence theoryIndividual‐level Predictors of Public Outspokenness: A Test of the Spiral of Silence Theory in SingaporeTo Speak or Not to Speak: Predicting College Students’ Outspokenness in the Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong KongDoes perceived incongruence in opinion climate influence the degree of outspokenness? Evidence from two national events in China