outvotes 相关例句
- Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted.
Sumitomo Japan Outvotes Public Shareholders on SaleUnder Obama's Constitution, Arab League Outvotes CongressAmerican Idol Outvotes the PresidentDems Veto Pence Credit for Farm Flexibility ; Point out Votes against Bill That Held His Own AmendmentU.N. investigators toss out votes in Afghan election: ; Move leaves possibility for a runoff electionGore Embraces Effort to Toss out VotesGore Embraces Effort to Toss out VotesEdgar Pulls out Votes for School Plan House OKs Tax Swap despite Suburban OppositionMethod for carrying out votes, referendums and polls and system for the implementation thereofGetting out votes, getting on ballot