Pacific Ocean 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- China faces the Pacific on the east.
Archaeal dominance in the mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean.Unicellular cyanobacteria fix N2 in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean.Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific OceanFrom anchovies to sardines and back: multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean.From Anchovies to Sardines and Back—Multidecadal Change in the Pacific OceanSequential Megafaunal Collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: An Ongoing Legacy of Industrial Whaling?On the total geostrophic circulation of the South Pacific Ocean: Flow patterns, tracers and transportsThe role of nitrogen fixation in biogeochemical cycling in the subtropicalNorth Pacific OceanA massive phytoplankton bloom induced by an ecosystem-scale iron fertilization experiment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.Chemical characteristics of continental outflow from Asia to the troposphere over the western Pacific Ocean during September–O...