英:['pækθred] 美: ['pækθred]
packthread 基本解释
n.a strong three-ply twine used to sew or tie packages
packthread 相关例句
Appliance for unwinding pack thread or the likeToward a Shakespearean "Memory Theater": Romeo, the Apothecary, and the Performance of Memoryシェイクスピアにおける修辞法の研究 : The Taming of the Shrewにおける反復技法についてThe Chimes - Chapter 4. Fourth QuarterAn Inventory of the Furniture in Dr. Priestley's StudyINSTITUTO MEXICANO DEL SEGURO SOCIAL BRAMANTE, 50% POLIÉSTER, 50% ALGODÓNThe Irish Earp; Fearless: Wyatts Leadership Won Him AcclaimShear and Flexural Bending Strength of Masonry Wall Retrofitted Using PP-Band MeshThe Day Of Wrath - Chapter 16. 'Tis Well That The Night Is BlackBakalářský scénář: Režná nit