pad 基本解释
vt.给…装衬垫, 加垫子;填塞;踏平;
v.(动词)vt. 填塞 put pads in or on
vt. 拉长 make (a sentence, essay, book, etc.) longer by using unnecessary material
vi. 慢慢地走; 慢慢地荡 walk or trot steadily or softly
n.(名词)[C]垫,护垫 anything made of or filled with soft material to protect sth or make it more comfortable
[C]便笺本,拍纸簿 a number of sheets of paper fastened together
[C]肉趾,肉垫 the usually thick-skinned fleshy underpart or the foot of some animals
[C]发射台 a launch pad
[C]住所,房间,公寓 house or flat
pad[ [pæd] ]
n.a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge同义词:pad of papertablet
the large floating leaf of an aquatic plant (as the water lily)a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp同义词:inkpadinking padstamp pad
a usually thin flat mass of paddinga platform from which rockets or space craft are launched同义词:launching padlaunchpadlaunch padlaunch area
temporary living quarters同义词:diggingsdigsdomiciliationlodgings
the foot or fleshy cushion-like underside of the toes of an animalv.add details to同义词:embroiderlardembellishaggrandizeaggrandiseblow updramatizedramatise
walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud同义词:slogfootslogplodtrudgetramp
line or stuff with soft material"pad a bra"
同义词:fill out
add padding to"pad the seat of the chair"
pad 相关例句
用作动词 (v.)~+名词- pad one's age虚报年龄
- pad a box垫盒子
- pad an expense account伪造开支账
- pad a payroll吃空缺
~+副词- pad out添凑; 硬塞进
- pad the essay out拼凑文章
~+介词- pad sth with soft cloth用软布填塞…
用作名词 (n.)动词+~- get a pad拿一个垫子
- wear a pad戴护垫
形容词+~- bachelor pad单身住所
- clean pad干净的垫子
- scratch pad拍纸簿
名词+~- knee pad膝垫
- helicopter pad直升机起落机场
介词+~- above the pad在发射台上
- at pad在住处
~+介词- clean pad of cotton干净的棉花垫
- pad of paper拍纸簿
brake pad刹车片;盘式刹车片;制动衬块;闸垫
pad printing移印
launch pad n. 发射台
mouse pad滑鼠垫
fat pad脂肪垫
cotton pad化装棉;棉褥
on the pad ◎在公路上抢劫 , ◎流浪;过流浪生活;在路上;在旅行 , ◎(美国)警察(对非法活动不采取必要的行动而)受贿 , ◎(美国)集体贪污的;分黑钱的
rubber pad橡胶垫
foot pad脚垫;鞋垫
shoulder pad护肩;轴肩衰减器
writing pad n. 书写纸
heating pad电热垫;取暖电毯
touch pad触摸板
scouring pad百洁布;擦洗用的钢丝绒
launching pad发射台;起飞坪;出发点
bearing pad轴承垫,乌金轴瓦;轴瓦
stamp pad打印台
memo pad记事簿,便笺
note pad记事本;便条本
tilting pad可倾瓦块;扇形支座;倾斜垫
用作名词(n.)- She always kept a pad and pencil by the phone.
她总在电话机旁准备一本便签簿和一支铅笔。 - He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone.
他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。 - That carpet needs a pad under it.
那块地毯下面要铺衬垫。 - The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound.
护士在他的伤口上敷了一块干净的纱布垫。 - That missile disintegrated less than a minute after leaving the launch pad.
那枚导弹离开发射台不到一分钟就解体了。 - He moved back into his old bachelor pad.
用作名词(n.)- She heard the pad of bare feet coming down the stairs.
用作动词(v.)- The helmet is padded with foam.
头盔以泡沫材料填充。 - Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details.
千万别用不相干的细节来拉长文章。 - Don't pad out your answer to make it seem impressive.
用作动词(v.)- They like to pad along this lane.
他们喜欢慢慢地走。 - He lost all his money and had to pad it home .
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