英:[ˌpi:dəʊ'dʒenəsɪs] 美: [ˌpidoʊ'dʒenəsɪs]
paedogenesis 基本解释
paedogenesis 相关例句
PaedogenesisPaedogenesisPaedogenesisPAEDOGENESIS IN THE COLEOPTERANeoteny or Paedogenesis?Pupal paedogenesis in the Cecidomiidae (Diptera). IIPUPAL PAEDOGENESIS IN THE CECIDOMYIIDAE (DIPTERA)—IIPaedogenesis in European newts (Triturus: Salamandridae): Cranial morphology during ontogenyThe adaptive significance of paedogenesis in North American species of...Pupal paedogenesis in the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) 3—A reclassification of the HeteropeziniPopulation Structure, Life History and Evolution of Paedogenesis in the Salamander Eurycea neotenes[Factors of paedogenesis in the evolution of soils, [1]. The influence of parent rock of a stratographic in the Lodola Valley (Reggi...Sprules WG. The adaptive significance of paedogenesis in North American species of Ambystoma (Amphibia: Caudata): an hypothesis. Can...