pale clouded yellow 基本解释
pale clouded yellow 相关例句
Rhabdom constriction enhances filtering by the red screening pigment in the eye of the Eastern Pale Clouded yellow butterfly, Colias...An expanded set of photoreceptors in the Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow butterfly,Colias erateORIGINAL PAPER An expanded set of photoreceptors in the Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow butterXy, Colias erateThe physiological basis for color vision in the Eastern Pale Clouded yellow butterfly, Colias eratepale clouded yellow (Colias hyale L.) (?) resting on the seaOccurrence of Colias hyale L., Pale Clouded Yellow, (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Co. CorkSex-specific retinal pigmentation results in sexually dimorphic long-wavelength-sensitive photoreceptors in the eastern pale clouded...Sexual dimorphic photoreceptor organization of the retina of Eastern Clouded Yellow butterfly, Colias erateEvolution of color vision in pierid butterflies: blue opsin duplication, ommatidial heterogeneity and eye regionalization in Colias ...Interaction of visual and odour cues in the mushroom body of the hawkmoth Manduca sexta