palma 相关例句
- Before he arrived from Manchester, England, Spain Palma De Mallorca Airport Mallorca Island.
日前他从英国曼彻斯特乘飞机抵达西班牙马略卡岛的帕尔马机场。 - Over the past three years, this little port district, a few minutes from the centre of Palma, has had a hell of a makeover.
Tie2 identifies a hematopoietic lineage of proangiogenic monocytes required for tumor vessel formation and a mesenchymal population ...Positive natural selection in the human lineage.Human interleukin 17–producing cells originate from a CD161+CD4+ T cell precursorSonic hedgehog controls stem cell behavior in the postnatal and adult brainArabidopsis MAP kinase 4 regulates gene expression through transcription factor release in the nucleusBiosensorThe Sonic Hedgehog-Gli pathway regulates dorsal brain growth and tumorigenesis.Quantum Computers and DissipationA survey of fuzzy clustering algorithms for pattern recognition. ISupplementry Materiual: Positive natural selection in the human lineage.