英:[pə'lʌstrɪn] 美: [pə'lʌstrɪn]
palustrine 基本解释
Palustrine comes from the Latin word palus or marsh. Wetlands within this category include inland marshes and swamps as well as bogs, fens, tundra and floodplains.以上来源于:Wikipedia
palustrine 相关例句
Phosphate Removal Capacity of Palustrine Forested Wetlands and Adjacent Uplands in Virginia
Phosphorus retention in non-tidal palustrine forssted wetlands of the mid-atlantic region
Palaeoenvironmental significance of palustrine carbonates and calcretes in the geological record
Growth rates of American alligators in estuarine and palustrine wetlands in Louisiana
Comparison of soil and other environmental conditions in constructed and adjacent palustrine reference wetlands.
Nesting ecology of Greater Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis tabida) in riparian and palustrine wetlands of eastern Idaho.
Lacustrine carbonates and pedogenesis: sedimentology and origin of palustrine deposits from the Early Cretaceous Rupelo Formation, W...
Arsenic Speciation, Seasonal Transformations, and Co-distribution with Iron in a Mine Waste-Influenced Palustrine Emergent Wetland