英:[pæ'nɪvərəs] 美: [pæ'nɪvərəs]
panivorous 基本解释
panivorous 相关例句
Experimental test of the impacts of feral hogs on forest dynamics and processes in the southeastern USAge-related changes in abundance of enterococci and Enterobacteriaceae in Pied Flycatcher ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) nestlings and thei...Regionally Nested Patterns of Species Composition in Granivorous Rodent AssemblagesLitter and seed burying alter food availability and foraging efficiency of granivorous birds in the Monte desertOsmoregulatory responses to dietary protein and water intake in the granivorous Zonotrichia capensis (Passerine, Emberizidae) Respue...The movements of some granivorous passerines in winter on farmland: a pilot studyVegetation structure and inter-individual distance affect intake rate and foraging efficiency in a granivorous forager, the Eurasian...Unexpected relationships and valuable mistakes: non‐myrmecochorous Prosopis dispersed by messy leafcutting ants in harvesting...Granivorous Birds in EcosystemsFREQUENCY DEPENDENT PREDATION ON WINTER ANNUAL SEEDS BY GRANIVOROUS RODENTS