英:[pærə'kɔ:teks] 美: [pærə'kɔteks]
paracortex 基本解释
Paracortex is the portion of a lymph node immediately surrounding the medulla. Unlike the cortex, which has mostly immature T cells, or thymocytes, the paracortex has a mixture of immature and mature T cells.以上来源于:Wikipedia
paracortex 相关例句
Simulating T cell motility in the lymph node paracortex with a packed lattice geometry
Wool fibres: sectioning and staining, differentiation of ortho and paracortex
Reactive hyperplasia of paracortex and germinal centers of the regional lymph nodes in gastric carcinoma cases as a favorable progno...
The chemical composition of wool 7. Separation and analysis of orthocortex and paracortex ☆
On-lattice simulation of T cell motility, chemotaxis, and trafficking in the lymph node paracortex
Lymph-borne dendritic leucocytes do not recirculate, but enter the lymph node paracortex to become interdigitating cells.
Direct contact between reticular fibers and migratory cells in the paracortex of mouse lymph nodes: a morphological and quantitative...
T regulatory cells control numbers of NK cells and CD8alpha+ immature dendritic cells in the lymph node paracortex.
Sentinel lymph nodes show profound downregulation of antigen-presenting cells of the paracortex: implications for tumor biology and ...
nef Gene Is Required for Robust Productive Infection by Simian Immunodeficiency Virus of T-Cell-Rich Paracortex in Lymph Nodes