英:[pə'ræfəsɪs] 美: [pə'ræfəsɪs]
paraphysis 基本解释
paraphysis[ pə'ræfəsis ]
n.a sterile simple or branched filament or hair borne among sporangia; may be pointed or clubbed
paraphysis 相关例句
paraphysisChoroid plexus and paraphysis in lower vertebratesThe development of the paraphysis and pineal region in reptiliaThe development of the paraphysis and pineal region in MammaliaAcanthothecis and other graphidioid lichens with warty periphysoids or paraphysis-tips.The development and structure of the paraphysis cerebri in urodeles with experiments on its function in amblystoma mexicanumNeurosecretion. X. A Relationship between the Paraphysis and the Paraventricular Nucleus in the Garter Snake (Thamnophis sp.)Development of the paraphysis cerebri in man with comments on its relationship to intercolumnar tubercle and its significance for or...The development of the paraphysis cerebri in man with comments on its relationship to the intercolumnar tubercle and its significanc...On the presence of periodic acid schiff positive substances in the paraphysis cerebri, the choroid plexuses and the neuroglia of amb...