parlayed 相关例句
- Parlayed some small investments into a large fortune.
Post parlayed the 'Sally' into a careerEx-teacher parlayed summer job into running companyShadyside Woman Parlayed War Pain into Life of ServicePsychiatrist parlayed $800 into model program for homeless.George Guillaume Parlayed Electronics Skills into 36-Year CareerYoung Chemist Couple Parlayed Dye Sideline Into Big Business - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life SciencesBuilding on Experience: Angelo Perryman Parlayed His Expertise into a Growing Enterprise. (Making It)Moving on: Several former insurance commissioners have parlayed their experience into new opportunities. (Industry Strategies).Have Two Addresses, Will Travel Call them sojourners: most are retired, but all have parlayed the original family house into two far...Davy Arnaud of D.C. United Has Parlayed Grit into Long MLS Career (Posted 2014-10-03 04:31:28) ; D.C. United Midfielder Davy Arnaud,...