parodies 基本解释
n.拙劣的模仿( parody的名词复数 );恶搞;滑稽的模仿诗文;表面上模仿得笨拙但充满了机智用来嘲弄别人作品的作品
v.滑稽地模仿,拙劣地模仿( parody的第三人称单数 );
n.a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way同义词:lampoonspoofsendupmockerytakeoffburlesquetravestycharadepasquinadeput-on
humorous or satirical mimicry同义词:mockerytakeoff
v.make a spoof of or make fun ofmake a parody of同义词:spoofburlesque
parodies 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Time is the wealth of change, but the clock in its parody makes it.
时间是变化的财富。时钟模仿它,却只有变化而无财富。 - She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.
她成为了以前那个举止优雅的自己的怪诞模仿品。 - The trial was a parody of justice.
用作动词(v.)- His style has often been parodied.
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