英:[pəˌrəʊ'li:] 美: [pəˌroʊ'li]
parolee 基本解释
parolee[ pə,rəu'li: ]
n.someone released on probation or on parole同义词:probationer
parolee 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Authority said they were gunned down by a parolee evading a traffic stop.
Effects of Case Management on Parolee MisconductThe Bay Area Services NetworkPAROLEE RECIDIVISM IN CALIFORNIA: THE EFFECT OF NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT AND SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCY CHARACTERISTICSTime served in prison and parole outcomes among parolee risk categoriesSUPERVISION REGIMES, RISK, AND OFFICIAL REACTIONS TO PAROLEE DEVIANCEThe lived experience of feeling loved: a study of mothers in a parolee program.Women Disrupting a Marginalized Identity: Subverting the Parolee Identity through NarrativeAntipsychotic medication adherence, cocaine use, and recidivism among a parolee sample.Supervision Strategies and Approaches for Female Parolees: Examining the Link Between Unmet Needs and Parolee OutcomeConstitutioanl Law - Parolee Rights - Parole Board Cannot Restrict Parolee's First Amendment Rights without the Same Standard of Pro...The Response of the Criminal Justice System to Prison Overcrowding: Ecidivism Patterns among Four Successive Parolee Cohorts