participle 相关例句
past participle过去分词
present participle现在分词
用作名词(n.)- Give the past and past participle forms of the verbs.
写出动词的过去式和过去分词形式。 - Rewrite the sentences in the answer key using a present participle.
(Past) Participle Agreement
Participle-Auxiliary Word Orders in Slavic
Parameterizing Passive Participle Movement
Participle movement and second position cliticization in Serbo-Croatian ☆
Passive participle marking by African American English-speaking children reared in poverty.
Educated Spoken Arabic in Egypt and the Levant, with Special Reference to Participle and Tense
Dissociations in SLI children''s inflectional systems: A study of participle inflection and subject-verb-agreement
On identifying the syntactic and discourse features of participle clauses in academic English: Native and non-native writers compared
Surface forms and grammatical functions: past tense and passive participle use by children with specific language impairment.
The role of the subject/non-subject distinction in determining the choice of relative clause participle in Turkish