passenger car
英:[ˈpæsindʒə kɑ:] 美: [ˈpæsəndʒɚ kɑr]
passenger car 基本解释
passenger car
n.a railcar where passengers ride同义词:coachcarriage
passenger car 相关例句
- We saw a red car parked on his drive.
我们看到一辆红色轿车停在他的私人车道上。 - I do hate the way Brian brags about his new car.
Passenger carPassenger carPassenger carThe Seeing Passenger Car`VaMoRs-P'The seeing passenger car 'VaMoRs-P'The seeing passenger car 'VaMoRs-P'Rear-view mirror for passenger carA simulation study of truck passenger car equivalents (PCE) on basic freeway sectionsMechanical properties of hybrid kenaf/glass reinforced epoxy composite for passenger car bumper beamMeasurement of nucleation and soot mode particle emission from a diesel passenger car in real world and laboratory in situ dilutionModel-Based Control of the VGT and EGR in a Turbocharged Common-Rail Diesel Engine: Theory and Passenger Car ImplementationAntenna to be Used For Communication (Transmitting and/or Receiving) in a Motor Vehicle, Particularly a Passenger CarApplication of electrically peaking hybrid (ELPH) propulsion system to a full-size passenger car with simulated design verification...