passibility 相关例句
longitudinal passibility radius纵向通过半径
latitudinal passibility radius横向通过半径
PassibilityPassibilityPassibilityPassibility At the Limits of the Constructivist MetaphorGod, Passibility, and CorporealityDivine Passibility and the Problem of Radical Particularity: Does God Feel Your Pain?'Only the Suffering God Can help'. divine passibility in modern theologyEmotion in Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas: A Way Forward for the Im/passibility Debate?An Assessment of Robert Jenson's Hermeneutics on Divine Im/Passibility and the Emotions of GodDivine Passibility: God and EmotionLiving like Common People: Emotion, Will, and Divine PassibilityCriteria for doctrinal development: 1 A case study of the doctrine of God's (Im)passibilityEffects of Buckled Tubing on Coiled Tubing Passibility