patchily 基本解释
adv. 不规则地,散落地
patchily[ 'pætʃəli ] spots
patchily 相关例句
Spatial Dynamics of a Patchily Distributed Butterfly SpeciesDetecting Regulation in Patchily Distributed Animal PopulationsForaging for Patchily-Distributed Hosts by the Parasitoid, Nemeritis canescensExploitation of patchily distributed soil resources by the clonal herb Glechoma hederacea.Problems posed by sparse and patchily distributed species in species-rich plant communitiesForaging on patchily distributed prey by a cichlid fish (Teleostei, Cichlidae): A test of the ideal free distribution theoryCOEXISTENCE OF COMPETING PARASITOIDS ON A PATCHILY DISTRIBUTED HOST: LOCAL VS. SPATIAL MECHANISMSA simple model of information use in the exploitation of patchily distributed foodForaging for patchily-distributed leaf-miners by the parasitoid, Dapsilarthra rufiventris (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). II. Stopping r...The perifornical area: the major focus of (a) patchily distributed hypothalamic neuropeptide Y-sensitive feeding system(s).