英:[ˈpætʃwɜ:k] 美: [ˈpætʃwɜrk]
patchwork 基本解释
patchwork[ 'pætʃwə:k ]
n.a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas同义词:hodgepodgejumble
a quilt made by sew patches of different materials together同义词:patchwork quilt
sewing consisting of pieces of different materials sewn together in a pattern
patchwork 相关例句
patchwork quilt拼布床单;用小块布缝缀的被罩
用作名词(n.)- She patched new cloth to the old coat, so it seemed mere patchwork.
她把新布初到那件旧上衣上,所以那件衣服看上去就像拼凑起来的东西。 - This is not plagiarism but just a patchwork of quotations.
这不是剽窃,这只是拼凑出来的。 - The result is a patchwork landscape.
其结果就是拼缝布一样杂驳的风景。 - The city is a huge patchwork of realities.
Human genome: patchwork people.Modified Patchwork Algorithm: A Novel Audio Watermarking SchemePresynaptic Ca2+ channels: a functional patchwork.Quasi-parallel shocks: A patchwork of three-dimensional structuresAn Interdependent Metabolic Patchwork in the Nested Symbiosis of MealybugsComputer-Assisted Composition at IRCAM: From PatchWork to OpenMusicGrains and grain boundaries in single-layer graphene atomic patchwork quilts.Development of hybrid strains for the mineralization of chloroaromatics by patchwork assemblyThe genetic structure of host plant adaptation in a spatial patchwork: demographic variability among reciprocally transplanted pea a...The accommodation of diversity in European policy‐making and its outcomes: Regulatory policy as a patchwork