patent holder
英:[ˈpeitənt ˈhəuldə] 美: [ˈpætnt ˈholdɚ]
patent holder 基本解释
patent holder 相关例句
- Registration Agreement means the agreement between a Registrar and a domain-name holder.
L. I. Popova, A. G. Osipkina EXPERIENCE OF PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF INVEN- TORSL659 Page 1 L659 September 22, 2008 Mr. Tom Goode ATIS General Counsel ATIS 1200 G Street, NW SuifiOO Washington, DC. 20005 Re: “St...Hardware-in-the-loop tow missile system simulatorIndirect patent infringement - latest developments in GermanySystems, methods and devices for a callback/callback reminder featureContributory patent infringement and exhaustion in case of replacement parts - Comment on a recent supreme court decision in GermanyPhotochemical system and method for the removal of PCDD or PCDF compounds from industrial process emissionsCottage cheese manufacture.Sanitary packagesMiter guide