Pausa 基本解释
释义[地名] [秘鲁、德国] 保萨;
Pausa is, in linguistics, the end of a prosodic unit.以上来源于:Wikipedia
Pausa 相关例句
ORIGINAL RESEARCH Pausa para tu Salud: Reduction of Weight and Waistlines by Integrating Exercise Breaks into Workplace OrganizationalTreinamento Intervalado de Corrida de Velocidade: Efeitos da Duração da Pausa Sobre o Lactato Sanguíneo e a Cinemática da CorridaEl diálogo queda en pausa y las protestas no paran en ChuquisacaA Unitary Model for Involutional Osteoporosis: Estrogen Deficiency Causes Both Type I and Type II Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Wom...Transvaginal uterine ultrasonography compared with endometrial biopsy for the detection of endometrial disease in perimenopausal wom...Carbon‐13 chemical shielding tensors in single‐crystal dureneEffects of different doses of physical activity on cardiorespiratory fitness among sedentary, overweight or obese postmenopausal wom...ChemInform Abstract: CARBON-13 CHEMICAL SHIELDING TENSORS IN SINGLE-CRYSTAL DURENESex-hormone-binding globulin and the free androgen index are related to cardiovascular risk factors in multiethnic premenopausal and...The effect of exercise training programs on bone mass: a meta-analysis of published controlled trials in pre- and postmenopausal wom...