payments 相关例句
terms of payment付款条件
payment system支付系统;付酬制度
tax payment纳税;完税
full payment[经]全部付款
down payment(分期付款中的)头期款;预付定金
transfer payment转移支付;转让性付款;(美)用于失业救济等公共事业方面的开支
advance payment预付款
payment method付款方式;支付方式
make payment支付
cash payment n. 现金付款
payment term付款条件;付款方式;付款期限
deferred payment延期付款
monthly payment月付款数
payment in advance预付货款
balance of payment收支平衡
payment for goods货款
term of payment清偿期;支付条款
final payment结算
prompt payment立即付款
form of payment付款方式
- The sign says all payments shall be made in cash.
所有的付款都用现金支付。 - Whittle down the debt by making small payments.
A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises
Ecology. Direct payments to conserve biodiversity.
Blind signature for untraceable payments
Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments
Blind signatures for untraceable payments
Designing payments for environmental services in theory and practice: An overview of the issues
Computerized system for making payments and authenticating transactions over the internet
The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-Of-Payments Problems
Can Payments for Environmental Services Help Reduce Poverty? An Exploration of the Issues and the Evidence to Date from Latin America
Economic Order Quantity under Conditions of Permissible Delay in Payments