英:[peˈtʃɔ:rɑ:] 美: [pəˈtʃɔrə, -ˈtʃorə, pjɪ-]
pechora 基本解释
Pechora is a town in the Komi Republic, Russia.以上来源于:Wikipedia
pechora 相关例句
Holocene climate and landscape evolution East of the Pechora Delta, East-European Russian ArcticUpper Devonian Conodonts from the Timan-Pechora Region, Russia, and Correlation with a Frasnian Composite StandardMacrozoobenthos of the Pechora Sea (SE Barents Sea): community structure and spatial distribution in relation to environmental condi...Multiple indicators of human impacts on the environment in the Pechora Basin, north-eastern European RussiaArsenic, trace metals, and organic micro contaminants in sediments from the Pechora Sea, RussiaWeichselian stratigraphy and glaciotectonic deformation along the lower Pechora River, Arctic RussiaHeavy metal burdens in nine species of freshwater and anadromous fish from the Pechora River, northern RussiaAn assessment of pollution impacts due to the oil and gas industries in the Pechora basin, north-eastern European RussiaNew, Single Zircon (Pb-Evaporation) Ages from Vendian Intrusions in the Basement beneath the Pechora Basin, Northeastern BalticaHolocene pollen stratigraphy indicating climatic and tree-line changes derived from a peat section at Ortino, in the Pechora lowland...