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Peggs 相关例句
Design of a modified Halbach magnet for the CBETA projectCynthia M. Duncan, Worlds Apart: why poverty exists in rural America, Yale University Press, 2000, xvii+235 pp., £18,95, £11.00 p...Rebucketing after transition in RHICRHIC Head-Tail Stability with Resistive Wall Wake FieldsRHIC injection kicker impedanceTo the editor: Warfarin treatment of a patient with coagulation factor IX propeptide mutation causing warfarin hypersensitivityEffects of dietary ingredients and feed additives on the health and production of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) for appli...Positive Pre-Transplantation [18-F] FDG-PET Is Not a Barrier to Successful Allograft Outcomes in Chemosensitive Hodgkin LymphomaRHIC progress reportSpectroscopic studies of the opto-electronic properties of quantum wells and superlattices.