英:['pelmə] 美: ['pelmə]
pelma 相关例句
Phylogenie und System der Pelmatozoen
Bibliographic and faunal index of Paleozoic pelmatozoan echinoderms
Abundance of Neopelma baccharidis (Homoptera: Psyllidae) Galls on the Dioecious Shrub Baccharis dracunculifolia (Asteraceae)
Terminology and functional morphology of attachment structures in pelmatozoan echinoderms
Hairworm (Nematomorpha: Gordioidea) parasites of New Zealand wetas (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae).
Hemocyanins in spiders, X. Limited proteolysis of chain e of Eurypelma hemocyanin and partial sequence of two large fragments
SDS-induced Phenoloxidase Activity of Hemocyanins fromLimulus polyphemus, Eurypelma californicum, andCancer magister
The Gondwanaland Weta: Family Anostostomatidae (Formerly in Stenopelmatidae, Henicidae or Mimnermidae): Nomenclatural Problems, Worl...
Primary and secondary structure of the 18S ribosomal RNA of the bird spider Eurypelma californica and evolutionary relationships amo...
The Utility of DNA Markers in Classical Taxonomy: Using Cytochrome Oxidase I Markers to Differentiate Australian Cladopelma (Diptera...