英:['penteɪl] 美: ['penˌteɪl]
pentail 基本解释
n.brown tree shrew having a naked tail bilaterally fringed with long stiff hairs on the distal third; of Malaysia同义词:pen-tailpen-tailed tree shrew
pentail 相关例句
Body temperature and oxygen consumption of the pentail tree shrew (Ptilocercus lowii)Note on the food habits of Ptilocercus lowii Gray (Pentail tree‐shrew) and Echinosorex gymnurus (Raffles) (Moonrat) in Malaya with ...The Behavior of the Moonrat, Echinosorex gymnurus (Erinaceidae) and the Pentail Shrew, Ptilocercus lowi (Tupaiidae) with Comments on...An exploration of pen tail gestures for interactionsMolecular and Genomic Data Identify the Closest Living Relative of PrimatesThe Tupaiid DentitionA small-mammal survey at Tasek Bera, Pahang, Malaysia's first ramsar site.An Integrated Mapping Approach to Petroleum Exploration on the Pratt Anticline, Pratt County, KansasIntroducing the Treeshrews: They Don't All Live in Trees and They Aren't Close to ShrewsRethinking Omnivory in Rodents