pentothal 基本解释
pentothal[ 'pentəθæl, -θɔ:l ]
n.barbiturate that is a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong barbiturate that acts rapidly; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic同义词:thiopentalthiopental sodiumthiopentobarbital sodium
pentothal 相关例句
Effect of pentothal anesthesia on canine cerebral cortexThe effect of pentothal on the activity evoked in the cerebellar cortexBrain metabolism in man; unanesthetized and in pentothal narcosisDiffusion Respiration in the Dog Anesthetized By Pentothal SodiumThe role of the liver in the detoxication of thiopental (pentothal) by manRespiratory studies during anesthesia with ether and with pentothal sodiumThe role of the liver in the detoxication of thiopental (pentothal) by man.The role of the liver in the detoxication of thiopental (pentothal) and two other thiobarbituratesPrognosis and pentothal induced electroencephalographic changes in electro-convulsive treatment; an approach to the problem of regul...Tissue Distribution with Time after Single Intravenous Administration of Pentothal Sodium (Sodium Ethyl (1-Methylbutyl) and Pentotha...