Peplis 相关例句
Peplis Linn荸艾属
Þe comoun peplis languageNew cerebrosides from Euphorbia peplis L.: antimicrobial activity evaluation.Anti-inflammatory and Antipyretic Activity of Euphorbia peplis LCerebrosides with antiproliferative activity from Euphorbia peplis L.Lipophylic compounds from Euphorbia peplis L.--a halophytic plant from the Bulgarian Black Sea coastСОСТОЯНИЕ ПОПУЛЯЦИИ EUPHORBIA PEPLIS L. В ВОСТОЧНОМ ПРИАЗОВЬЕ тPALYNOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS OF THE LYTHRACEAE. II. GENERA HAITIA THROUGH PEPLISLythrum and Peplis from the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic of North America and Eurasia: New evidence suggesting early diversification...LEAF MORPHOLOGY AND CARBON ISOTOPE DISCRIMINATION VALUES IN PURPLE SPURGE (EUPHORBIA PEPLIS L.)Constituents of Euphorbiaceae [1]. An antiinflammatory digalactosyl diacylglycerol from Euphorbia peplis L.