per capita
英:[pə ˈkæpɪtə] 美: [pər ˈkæpɪtə]
per capita 基本解释
per capita
adj.per personadv.per person同义词:for each personof each person
per capita 相关例句
- Consequently, income per capita stagnates.
其结果,人均国民收入停滞不前。 - Dinner will cost 50 RMB per head.
Food-web analysis through field measurement of per capita interactionstrengthInternational comparisons of mortality rates for cancer of the breast, ovary, prostate, and colon, and per capita food consumptionHuman Population and the Global Environment: Population growth, rising per capita material consumption, and disruptive technologies ...Institutions Don't Rule: Direct Effects of Geography on Per Capita IncomeThe Minimum Area Per Capita of Cultivated Land and Its Implication for the Optimization of Land Resource AllocationExploratory spatial data analysis of the distribution of regional per capita GDP in Europe, 1980−1995Breaking the panels: An application to the GDP per capitaExploratory spatial data analysis of the distribution of regional per capita GDP in Europe, 1980–1995U. S. Per Capita Food Supply Trends: More Calories, Refined Carbohydrates, and FatsPermanence of a general discrete-time two-species-interaction model with nonlinear per-capita growth rates