performance-reward relationship
英:[pɚˈfɔrməns rɪˈwɔrd rɪˈleʃənˌʃɪp]
performance-reward relationship 基本解释
performance-reward relationship 相关例句
Performance-Reward Contingencies: The Role and Relationships of Perceived Equity in the Job Performance-Job Satisfaction Question.Rewards, Goals, and Overachievement: Investigating the Individual’s Influence on the Reward-Performance Relationship[[alternative]]Structural Relationship among Achievement Motive, Work Performance, Reward, and Work Satisfactory for Sales at Top 50...Double standards and pay: The relationship between standards for performance and rewards.Satisfaction-Rewards-Performance Relationships : A Correlational-Causal AnalysisWhy do employers only reward extreme performance? Examining the relationship among performance, pay, and turnoverWHY DO EMPLOYERS ONLY REWARD EXTREME PERFORMANCE? EVIDENCE AND EXPALNATIONS OF ZIG-ZAGGING RELATIONSHIPS AMONG PERFORMANCE, PAY,AND ...Effects of Contingent and Noncontingent Reward on the Relationship Between Satisfaction and Task PerformanceEmployee perceptions of the relationship between strategy, rewards and organizational performanceExploring the black box of the contingent reward leadership–performance relationship: The role of perceived justice and emotional e...